Unemployment is necessary to the maintenance of rents required in enforcement, risk-aversion behavior also cause the instability of supply and investment function, therefore, prices are required to give a considerable adjustment to maintain full employment. 厌恶风险的行为又引起供给和投资函数的不稳定,要维持充分就业就要求价格具有较大的调整空间。
There are some problems in the development of modern agriculture in Fujian province: a sizeable economy, the growth rate instability, the weak capacity of promoting employment and income of peasants, and of protecting the ecological environment. 福建省现代农业发展存在着规模不经济、增长速度不稳定、促进农民就业与增收能力偏弱以及对生态环境的外部不经济等问题。
At present, the instability of employment relation between employees and medium and small enterprises has revealed increasingly. For medium and small enterprises, how to attract, keep and motivate employees is the key to win in the keen market competition. 当前,中小企业与员工间雇佣关系的不稳定性日益显露,如何吸引、留住并激励员工,是中小企业在激烈市场竞争中取胜的关键。
Organizations get deep into competitive uncertainties, instability of organization and insecurity of employment, and they cannot provide cradle-to-grave employment for their employees. Career development of the employees becomes more uncertain, which has negative effect on organizational loyalty. 组织处于一种竞争的不确定性、组织的不稳定性和雇佣的不安全性状态之中,组织不能再为员工提供就业保障,员工的职业生涯发展变得更加不确定性,员工对组织的承诺度大大下降。